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Who We Are
We are a locally run company with employees who are deeply involved in the community. We are involved with non profit organizations in the area and strive to live a sustainable lifestyle. We care about the environment and are committed to increasing the availability of green goods and services in Iowa. It is our honor and pleasure to connect the businesses who are involved in this arena to the people who want to make a difference in their lives.
Our mission is to unite and promote the Natural Living Community resources through a fun and interactive annual event. Giving visibility and voice to businesses and organizations that work hard all year long providing services and products for Natural Living community makes us, the Expo organizers, feel good. Feeling good about what we do is what gives us our enthusiasm to make this event bigger and better year after year.
Show Staff
Event Producer- Chaden Halfhill – [email protected] or call 515.661.5557.
Duration: Seventh Annual Exposition
Expansion: 75% audience growth in 2010 / 400% audience growth in 2008 & 2009
2012 – 3,200+
2011 – 4,300+
2010 – 5,500+
2009 – 3,500+
2008 – 1,000+
2007 – 500
2006 – 250
Effectiveness: Vendor booth sales have increased annually.
Dedication: Natural Living Productions is committed to maturing the Natural Living business community in
Iowa and educating Iowans about natural living options.