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Volunteers play a vital role in making the Natural Living Expo a fantastic and fun-filled event for everyone.
Some examples of tasks we could use help with: helping vendors bring in their wares, greeting participants, handing out programs, asking participants to fill out a survey, help moving tables and chairs, respite for vendors for restroom and food breaks and helping vendors get packed out of the hall.
The Natural Living Expo LOVES our volunteers! We pride ourselves in providing an efficient and helpful environment for our exhibitors and attendees – we cannot do this without the help of our many gracious volunteers! To thank you for your effort, we offer 2 free tickets for a typical 3 hour volunteer shift.
Please see details below and email [email protected] or call 515.661.5557 for more information.
Before Your Shift
Most likely, you will be on your feet for your volunteer shift. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
Please come to your shift with water to stay hydrated. There will be a water fountains to refill your reusable bottle. There will be food vendors throughout the show for some yummy nourishment.
After Your Shift
When you are done with your shift (or beforehand) please stick around to enjoy the Expo! There will be presentations, entertainment, healthy food vendors and lots of excitement throughout the weekend.
To sign up, please contact [email protected] or call 515.661.5557 for details.
Thank YOU!
The Natural Living Expo Team